Combine one part flag football, one part tear-away warm up pants, and one part tighty whiteys. Blend. Spread on a college freshman named Brent.
Sit back and enjoy the show; you've just created one of my top 5 embarassing moments.
Honestly I don't know what I was thinking. I'm baffled at my foolishness. Why was I wearing tighty whiteys? I guess they provide more support for sports, but still that's no excuse. Tear away pants when people are grabbing around your waist? Are you serious Brent?
I got what was coming to me.
I went out for a screen pass, caught it, made a pretty good juke move, but the defender lunged to grab my flag, pants, and dignity. Then, without abandon, he yanked it all completely away.
There I was with my tighty whiteys hanging out on one of the main fields on campus, with PLENTY of foot traffic. I dropped to the ground, and hastily tried to put the pants back on, but no success; he had unbuttoned EVERY SINGLE button. So, I haphazardly held the pants in front of me and weaved my way back to my dorm; I don't remember anything after that; my guess is that I hid in my room for a few weeks. :)
Lessons learned:
1) No matter the circumstance -- no tighty whiteys
2) Tear away pants are dangerous
In retrospect though, the story was worth the embarrassment; the juice was worth the squeeze.
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