Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wash those Strawberries!

All my life I've had a knack for being able to eat food which is just about to go bad. It's a calculated risk, but for the most part I've walked the line just fine. My favorite tricks are cutting the mold off cheese and eating the unmolding part in the inside, hard-boiling eggs that are past due, and not worrying about week-old milk.

Once I accidentally drank refridgerated chicken broth thinking it was lemonade. Thanks mom!

Last year I had week-old thanksgiving turkey. Immediately after I was out changing the oil in my car. That must have been some deathly bacteria in that turkey because it hit me as I was under the car. There is nothing good about having to run into the bathroom to puke with oil all over your hands and face. At least that only lasted the evening. My latest adventure with food poisioning was more grueling.

Wash those strawberries! I had some strawberries with dinner a couple weeks ago -- I thought I'd washed them when I brought them home, but I must've been mistaken. I don't know what kind of pesticides and junk are on strawberries, but they must be spicy. During the night, my stomach started getting tied up in knots, my body ached and I couldn't sleep. A stomach flu would have been a picnic compared to this. Going to work in the morning was out of the question. I couldn't eat or drink. When I did choke down water / OJ, it wasn't pleasant coming back up. I threw up at 10 AM, 1 PM, and 4 PM. For 5 minutes afterwards, I thought it was all over. But, each time the relief was fleeting. Watching TV even hurt. The whole episode was mainly over after the 3rd hurl, but I never fully recovered for 2 more days.

Lesson learned.

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